Supporting Children and Family Survivors of
Police Line-of-Duty Deaths
Children who experience the loss of a parent or other family member through a line-of-duty death are likely to face a number of unique issues. School professionals working with students in such circumstances will be able to provide more effective support when they understand the distinct aspects of this experience.
These guidelines were developed in collaboration with the Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.) organization. PDF format.

Supporting Children and Family Survivors of
Military Line-of-Duty Deaths
Children who experience the loss of a parent or other family member through a military line-of-duty death are likely to face a number of unique issues. School professionals working with students in such circumstances will be able to provide more effective support when they understand the distinct aspects of this experience.
These guidelines were developed in collaboration with the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) office, Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC), and Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS). PDF format.
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